Registration is easy using our online registration system. When you click the button below, you will be able to register for all of our programs, see your child's classes, and pay tuition.
If this is your first time taking a class at Dance Dyanamics, you will need to create a new account before you can register. If you have any questions about online registration, we are happy to help!

Pricing and Policies 2024/25
Tuition is paid in full for session classes or monthly for full-season classes. Tuition is based on a yearly tuition divided into nine equally monthly payments(September through May). Please note the following fees and discounts:
- Registration Fee- $25/student ($40 max per family)
- Recital Fee- $25.00/family is due November 1st (to offset recital expense)
- Costume Fees- $75.00 per costume for Dazzling Dancers 1&2, Funky Tumblers, and Little Limelights, $85.00 per costume for Diva Dancers, and 45-minute classes. Tights will also need to be purchased for 45-minute classes for dancers in 10+ classes.
- Recital Tickets - will be available for purchase in the Spring at an additional cost.
- Family Rate Discount- A 5% discount will apply to the second child’s monthly tuition, Full season classes only (the student with the least number of hours per week).
- Late Tuition Fee- If tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month, the account will automatically be charged to the credit/debit card account on file, plus an additional $15.00 late fee.
- Returned Check Fee- $25
- Class uniform and required dance shoes for full-season classes.
Tuition payments are due when registering for the season, and monthly payments are due on the first day of each month.
Session payments: Full payment is due at registration. Enrollment for the next session is automatic unless you opt-out in writing. A reminder email will be sent during week 8.
* No refunds on paid tuition. Tuition will not be refunded, credited, pro-rated, or transferred for unattended or withdrawn from classes after classes have begun.
Classes canceled due to inclement weather or any other reasons will be rescheduled or Virtual.
Dance Dynamics reserves the right to transition classes to Zoom under the circumstances of mandated business closer. If such circumstances occur, the no refunds policy remains. Classes would continue to occur as scheduled, simply in a virtual setting.
Thank you for your cooperation! .We are happy to answer any questions!
Hebron Location Tuition
Programs for Students Ages 2-9
Tiny Twirlers $140/10-week session
Funky Tumblers $72 Monthly (September through May)
Dazzling Dancers 1 $72 Monthly (September through May)
Dazzling Dancers 2 $76 Monthly (September through May)
2 Hour Diva Dancers $150 Monthly (September through May)
Single Subject Classes Hourly
45 Minutes weekly classes $72 Monthly (September through May)
1.5 Hours weekly classes $127 Monthly (September through May)
2.25 Hours weekly classes $188 Monthly (September through May)
3 Hours weekly classes $240 Monthly (September through May)
1/2 Hour Private Lesson $35.00
1/2 Hour Semi-Private Lesson $30.00